The benefits of Therapeutic Movement 

April 7, 2023

The benefits of Therapeutic Movement 


Our range of therapies is a key strand of our approach which integrates education, therapies and expert care in a holistic environment with onsite medical support.

Therapeutic Movement, led by practitioner Mari Sterten, has been a key part of the school’s offering since 2011. Based in its own building, students at Camphill visit regularly to work with rhythm, coordination, posture and strength.

Based on movement exercise work developed by Audrey McAllen, and an understanding of the child’s developing movement, Therapeutic Movement brings together the theory and practice of sensory integration and eurythmy.

During internal multi-disciplinary team meetings, students are referred for therapies focused around their specific needs. Referrals can be made by our on-site doctors, teachers, house coordinators and workshop leaders. Following referral, students attend for one or two sessions of 30-40 minutes per week.

Therapeutic movement works to regulate and connect the senses through movement, balance and tactile integration, establishing a more harmonious sense of the bodily self as an anchor. Using swings, balance balls and other equipment, Therapeutic Movement enables our students to feel free and safe, and to build their confidence in their body’s ability.

Benefits of Therapeutic Movement include:

  • Increasing self esteem
  • Decreasing anxiety
  • Improving strength
  • Growing confidence
  • Increasing motivation


For further information on our extensive range of therapies, please visit


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